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Monetize Your Registration Process

Create a new revenue stream by monetizing your website's registration process with targeted opt-in offers
  • More money: Generate higher RPMs than anywhere else on your website
  • Easy integration: Simply cut & paste javascript directly into your website
  • Minimal disruption: Users only opt-in if they choose to and never leave your website
  • Total Flexibility: Choose exactly where and how many offers to display
  • Complete Control: Choose exactly which offers can be served
  • Customized: Match offer appearance to the look and feel of your website
  • Real-Time Reporting: Track your success with real-time reports

How it Works

Create a new account, implement JavaScript, choose your advertisers and start making money through your registration process


Clear-Request™ System

Our ad serving technology handles all aspects of the opt-in process including:

Offers can be targeted by vertical, demographically and geographically

Technology automatically adjusts and serves up the most relevant offers resulting in the best performance

Reports can be sent in real-time or in a multiple of other formats

Placement Options

Opt-in offers can be placed in several different areas of a publisher's website. This is done through a simple "cut and paste" of JavaScript into the chosen page. All offers are served within the "normal" process without detouring visitors from the website.

Registration Path
Log-In Path
Profile Update
Special Offers Page